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10 rules for love


written down in an inner dialogue - far above the clouds - on 22.05.2014


Be ready to die.

Because only then will you come to life. To life with its irrepressible richness. With all its facets. Facets of love, of happiness. It is my work, says God, or if you want, the creator of this universe, and you can be part of it. Every person who acknowledges creation is allowed to share in it.


That is the first law of love:



Without confession of God, God cannot be experienced.


Look at the cosmos, how thin it is. On earth, everything is dense, tangible, moulded. And you humans are allowed to help shape it. Even destroy. But without love for me, law no. 1, everything becomes very meagre because it is not attached to the great stream of love. Love means bringing things to an end, be it a design, a relationship, a piece of work, a piece of music, a human life. Everything has its time, even time. When you have reached the happiness of God's centre, time is relative. In the centre, time does not exist. That is why the Big Bang and the here and now are one. Time can only be experienced on the periphery.


And this brings us to the second law of love:



Everything is relative. 

Nothing is absolute.


What does that mean? Development is only possible if something can be questioned. That's why doctrinaire systems are doomed to fail. You think, and who questions the ‘questioning’? Yes, that's where the cat bites its own tail. And to what end? To produce stagnation? Who wants that? And yet some do. In the spiritual realm, most do. They know one or two beliefs, that's it. Thinking does not mean parroting. Thinking means coming to your own conclusions. Thinking requires freedom. Thinking requires detachment from the old. This does not mean that the old is bad and must be changed or even destroyed. Because the new is not necessarily better.


This brings us to the third law of love:


Everything is transformation.

Nothing is static. No stone, no mountain is rigid. Everything moves. The sliding or roller bearing of every bridge is the simplest example of this law. Every landslide bears witness to it. My creation is designed to be in motion. I am the motor. There are no witnesses unless you are a witness.

So are we already at the fourth law? No, being a witness means perceiving what happens. But that requires a neutral standpoint within. You can only see what is happening on the periphery from the centre. That's why power always wants to be at the centre so that it can control the periphery. Even if it never manages to do so. All totalitarian states suffer from the fact that they have not realized something:


the fourth law of love:


Everything flows.

Now you are right to say that law 3 ‘Everything is transformation’ already includes this. Yes and no. There is an important difference between transformation as transformation and the flow that is needed for realisation. Every river from its source to its mouth is subject to these two laws. It is constantly changing and always flowing. This can be seen better in a swirling mountain stream than in the Rhine, for example. To put it quite simply: travelling from Zurich to New York is a step of transformation, but it requires the flow of flying. Simple, really. But precision in these things helps us to understand this world.


Shall we go to 5? If you want, but look with your own eyes: 


See for yourself.


Don't believe anyone, no journalist, photographer, film maker, without having had your own experience. But do it! Without experience there is no goal, without experience there is no flow, without experience there is no transformation, without experience there is no relation to what came before. Without experience, no love for me. Now the wheel has gone backwards, hasn't it, because relativity is in both directions. Just two directions, you say? There are more than two. Yes, of course there are. But most people think in bipolar systems: Forwards - backwards, poor - rich, slow - fast, high - low, inside - outside, up - down. It is part of the values we assign to things ourselves. But we do it absolutely and rarely change the attitude we have once adopted. This is rigid, or stubborn, and has nothing to do with the laws formulated here, except that it violates these laws.

Are we coming to 6 now? Not yet. First I'll tell you that I love you and that I'm glad you've found me. Not everyone succeeds in this, but those who do have a special responsibility.


This is law no. 6:


See yours.

This is indispensably connected with laws 1 - 5 and with those that follow. For how can you see what is yours (No. 6) if you do not look closely yourself (No. 5)? You cannot force a vocation on anyone. You take up a vocation because you see it. From school to apprenticeship, from job to further education, from switching to something completely different to what you are doing today. Do you see that in your own case? And doesn't the list already include a look back? Yes, that's right. See, yours has a direction, a forward force, even if you often have to clean up something in the past. Rule 6 is a vector, i.e. a directed force,


and rule 7 means plain and simple:


Connect with me.

Entering into a connection with God means placing yourself at the centre and working from there. This is not to be confused with the exercise of power, but means ‘doing one's job’ with wisdom. Co-operating with God means taking him seriously. Just as you would with teachers, superiors, partners or authorities. ‘Dialogue’ is the key word. Meditation into nothingness, into nirvana, is nonsense. What do you want as a human being in the emptiness of the cosmos? Silence is not the highest level of meditation. But it is a prerequisite for dialogue. Without silence, no dialogue is possible. Because if you don't hear God, what do you want to achieve?


Therefore, law no. 8 is:


Stay in dialogue.

and we already come to law no. 9: See your goal. But isn't that like 6: ‘Behold your own’? No, not quite. 6 is more comprehensive, more rounded, still in the growth phase.


Act No. 9. means exactly transmitted:


Stay on your path.

For if you stray from your path, you are no longer in harmony with the laws written down here.

Finally, I come to law no. 10:



Take a break.​


Then it will be much easier for you to realize the other nine laws.​



written down in an inner dialogue - far above the clouds - on 22.05.2014

Thank you for reading the whole text. That makes me happy.

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