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... talking with the universe ? ... why not ! ...

is everything true what the pendulum says?
Is everything true what the pendulum says?
In your meditation (prayer) you
Will find your fulfillment. You
Will find the inspiration that I
Am sending you.
Take it as a caress from the
Universe. Keep connecting
Keep calling for me, that
We can talk together. Creation
Lies in the hand of God.
For humans their task is
To center themselves in the
Divine in order to grow
And develop.
Testify with the life you lead
What it means to live
According to the advice of God.
Act according to the advice
And you will be in tune
With the universe. Talk about
This and see how
It changes your future.
Keep calling in the universe and
In the calmness of nature
You will find many answers.
Center yourself in nature.
Everything has been planted
Into the human soul, everything
That is needed to act in
Order to make a new start.
Understand that being centered
In the vibrations of the
Universe entails calling to the
Universe. You can do this with
A pendulum. Ask for and
Receive the holy grail. Ask the
Big questions when you call
to the universe. The stories of
Incarnations are manyfold. All
Is connected. Human spirit can
Overinterpretate. Testify with
Your being how you breath the
Air that I provide for
Your future.
It is my will
To give you everything -
All you need is to accept -
That you need for your fulfillment
Remember all is given (planted)
It only needs to be activated
Through giving yourself into
the hand of God.
So listen:
Suffering is mainly the result
of not being in tune to
What has been given.
Call to me and aks for
Your fulfillment.
Do as you are guided and
Let yourself grow and be
Part of the symphony of the
The tune it plays is love.
It takes humility to surrender
To the universe. Never surrender
To man. The soul is structured
In a way that it is only mean
To surrender to the divine.
Talk about this especially
To women. And such is
The energy filed of Christ:
Love in connection with
Divine presenting every
Cell shining through
Every crack, giving
Meaning to live on
This wonderful earth.
Never be ashamed to love!