Hello - I'm an architect, designer and musician, playing jazz piano, tuba and sousaphone. More than 30 years ago I started to develop a strap for my sousaphone to carry it on both shoulders, with my back and pelvin. The CROXBELT strap now has become a really helpful tool for all tuba and sousaphone players. Enjoy the lightness of wearing your instrument with this CROXBELT playing Euphonium, tuba or sousaphone.
Ich bin Architekt und Designer und spiele Jazz-Piano, Tuba und Sousaphon. Vor mehr als 30 Jahren habe ich mit der Entwicklung eines Tragsystems für Tuba und Sousaphon begonnen, welches das Gewicht auf beide Schultern, den Rücken und das Becken verteilt. Vor ein paar Jahren ist daraus CROXBELT entstanden, für Tuba, Sousaphon und Euphonium. Viel Spass beim Spielen !!!
General distribution
for resellers:
Musikhaus Kubli
Uetlibergstrasse 124
8045 Zuerich
+41 44 450 77 70

what makes the CROXBELT extraordinary ?
it's not only the CroXbelt around your body ...
it's the MiniStrap or MaxiStrap which fits a ring on the tuba or the sousaphone ;-) there where you always wanted to hook in !
waiXbelt for accordion :
CHF 79.00 Accordion waiXbelt 50mm
Set Preise/set prices :
CHF 207.00 Euphonium II/40 (1CBII/40+2MNS30)
no belt around waist
CHF 247.00 Tuba II/50 (1CBII/50+2MXS50)
no belt around waist
CHF 296.00 Tuba I)I/50 (1CBIII/50+2MXS50)
with belt around your waist
CHF 198.00 Sousaphone II/50 (1CBII/50+1MX50)
no belt around waist
CHF 247.00 Sousaphone III/50 (1CBIII/50+1MX50)
with belt around your waist
these colors only show the differences among them
Stückpreise/single prices :
CHF 039.00 1 MiniStrap only (30mm)
CHF 049.00 1 MaxiStrap only (50mm)
CHF 139.00 1 CroXbelt II/40 (40mm)
CHF 149.00 1 CroXbelt II/50 (50mm)
CHF 069.00 1 WaiXbelt40 (40mm)
CHF 079.00 1 WaiXbelt50 (50mm)
CHF 198.00 1 CroXbelt III/50 (50mm)
not sure what you need ... ? ask by mail